Creating a Luxafor Account

If you need a Luxafor account for a service or integration you want to use (like IFTTT), follow these steps:

  1. Start the login process in the service or app.

  1. Look for "Sign up" at the bottom of the login screen and click it.

  1. Enter your email and create a password.

  2. Double-check your email and remember your password.

  1. Click "Continue" to finish.

Once you're done, the service or integration will automatically sign you in (You may need to agree for the service to access certain permissions if it's not directly from Luxafor).

When you join us, you'll get a welcome email to get started. Sometimes, we'll send you emails about keeping your account safe. For example, if we notice anything strange with your account, like someone trying to get in from an unknown location, or if you decide to change your password, we'll let you know through email.

Sometimes our emails might end up in your spam folder. So if you're expecting an email from us and haven't received it, please check your spam folder, it might be hiding in there!

Forgot your password?

If you already have a Luxafor account and just forgot your password, click on "Forgot your password", insert your used email and then confirm the action from your email inbox!

I have other questions

For support or assistance with Luxafor products or services, you can contact our team by emailing When reaching out, it's helpful to provide a detailed description of your issue.

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